HGA's Convergence® Internship Program provides qualified assistants for Convergence® Conference Leaders, while giving students enrolled in Fiber Arts programs the chance to assist internationally known instructors and to participate in the Convergence® experience.

Internships are funded by donations to HGA. You can support this program by making a donation.
Convergence® Internships are available to students registered in accredited academic fiber arts programs. With contributions from HGA’s Fiber Trust, HGA covers all travel and lodging expenses for the Interns. Interns will assist Leaders in their classrooms, assist with exhibit set-up and tear-down, work behind the scenes on the Fashion Show, and perform miscellaneous conference duties as needed by the HGA staff. In return, students receive a complimentary CVP and the opportunity to take Sessions for free (Interns are responsible for any Session material fees or supplies).
Application Process
The Convergence® Internship is funded by HGA's Fiber Trust giving program.
Student Qualifications:
- *Enrolled in an accredited academic fiber arts program in Canada or the U.S.A. during the 2023-2024 school year.
- Ability to fulfill the requirements of a class (workshop, studio, seminars) assistant.
- Ability to stand for long periods and lift 30 pounds.
- Fluent English.
- Attendance at a Training Class time, TBA, at the Convergence® conference location.
Deadline to Apply: March 31, 2024
*Proof of Student status must include school name, student name, and current course enrollment with credit hour details.
You may provide one of the following types of documentation as proof of status:
- Official or unofficial transcript
- Letter from advisor (signed and recently dated)
- Letter from registrar (signed and recently dated)
- Third-Party Enrollment Certificate (must include current semester dates and a minimum of half-time student stats)
(A student ID or tuition receipt does not qualify as acceptable proof of student status.)
Documentation should confirm that you meet the Student requirements:
- Enrolled in a degree program.
- Taking at least six credit hours (undergraduate degree) or three credit hours (graduate degree) per semester or comparable credits in a quarter system.