Textiles & Tea

Each week the Handweavers Guild of America, Inc. (HGA) hosts Textiles & Tea, a conversation with some of the most respected fiber artists in the field today. In our 45-minute discussion we focus on their artwork and their creative journey. We allow 15 minutes at the end of our conversation for questions from the audience. Textiles & Tea will take place every Tuesday at 4:00 PM (ET) and is broadcast via Zoom and Facebook Live. These broadcasts are free to view and open to all.


Textiles & Tea takes place online every Tuesday, 4:00 - 5:00 PM ET. This program is supported through generous sponsorships and donations.

Click on the date for more information and to register.

Zoom allows up to 500 guests to view the program on the platform at any given time. The first 500 to log in will be able to access the program; registrants over that amount (uncommon) will still receive a link to watch the recording. This program is also shared Live on HGA's Facebook page. A link will be provided in the registration confirmation email.

Be a Sponsor & Support Textiles & Tea

Through sponsorship you can reach new audiences and connect with the fiber community in their homes. We know from our Spinning & Weaving Week events that an average of 1,000 people view our videos either live or recorded. These numbers will only grow as our event grows in popularity.

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Sponsorship includes:
  • Recognition at the beginning and end of each broadcast (also to be recorded and shared on Facebook Live and HGA's YouTube channel)
  • Emails sent to HGA’s mailing list of approximately 10,000 promoting the event with you listed as a sponsor and a link to your website
  • Promotion of the event along with your sponsorship on HGA’s social media platforms: Instagram (6,000+ followers), Facebook (11,000+ followers), and YouTube (3,500+ subscribers)
  • Identified as event sponsor on HGA's website and the event listing on the HGA Fiber Art Calendar
We are offering sponsorship packages at $150 per Textiles & Tea episode. Your sponsorship helps HGA to promote the fiber arts and support the artists who create. Will you be a sponsor?
How To Sponsor:
Purchase your sponsorship online or call (678) 730-0010.
For more information contact us at ((678) 730-0010 or HGA@WeaveSpinDye.org. Thank you for your consideration.

Previous Episodes

All episodes of Textiles & Tea are recorded and are available to be watched on HGA's Facebook page and YouTube channel. Search alphabetically by last name for more information on previous guests and links to their Textiles & Tea episodes. 

The Handweavers Guild of America, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Our mission is to educate, support and inspire the fiber art community.