Call for Proposals
The 2026 Convergence® Conference Planning Committee seeks a diverse selection of fiber art proposals for Panel Discussions, Sessions (Seminars and Workshops), and Thread Talks.

Thread Talks
Take the stage and share your fiber art idea, project, or experience. We are searching for creative makers who will inspire, surprise, and delight the audience with their stories in under 15 minutes. We all have stories to tell about our love of and experience with fiber. This is your chance! We will present 4-6 Thread Talks as an evening event during the 2026 Convergence® conference.
Talk: Tentatively scheduled for 7:00 PM CT on Wednesday, August 12, 2026 or Thursday, August 13, 2026, to be held at the TBA, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Deadline: June 1, 2025

Seminars and Workshops
With something of interest for everyone from the beginner to the expert, choose from more than 100 Sessions taught by innovative Fiber Art Leaders. Sessions vary from 90-minute seminars to 3-day workshops and include topics on weaving, spinning, dyeing, basket making, felting, sewing, professional development, and more. The Convergence® Session Review Panel seeks a diverse selection of proposals. We are looking to offer our conference participants a variety of beginner, intermediate, and advanced Sessions to choose from including traditional fiber arts experiences and Sessions that are new, innovative, and unique to Convergence®.
Sessions: Tentatively scheduled for Wednesday - Sunday, August 12 - 16, 2026, to be held at the TBA, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Deadline: March 7, 2025

Panel Discussions
Panels are 60-minute sessions with 1 moderator and 3 panelists, organized around a general topic, or they may include multiple perspectives on a more specific topic. To propose a panel, the moderator of the panel should submit a proposal that provides a brief description of 1) the panel’s overall goals and 2) each participant’s contribution to the panel discussion. Note that panels are expected to be based on (panel) discussion and active exchange of ideas instead of being sessions consisting of a series of paper presentations.
Dates and Times: Panel discussions will take place from 12:15 PM CT to 1:15 PM CT on Thursday - Sunday, August 13-16, 2026, to be held at the TBA, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Deadline: June 1, 2025