
HGA is dedicated to supporting educational opportunities for the fiber community. These programs offer a variety of approaches to further the knowledge and skills of fiber enthusiasts.

Certificate of Excellence

A self-directed certification program in the areas of Handweaving, Handspinning, and Dyeing.


Funding for artists and students to take non-accredited classes and to aid teachers in the instruction of beginning weaving, spinning, dyeing or basketmaking classes.

HGA Award

Honoring outstanding exhibited works of fiber art, this award may be requested for a juried exhibit hosted by an affiliate guild or professional organization member.

HGA Presentation

Affiliate Guild and Professional Organization members may request for HGA's Executive Director to speak to your guild about our various programs and answer any questions you may have about HGA.

Textiles Exchanges

Textile Exchange events are open to active HGA Individual, Family, Student and Professional Artists members. Not a member? Join today!