Spinning and Weaving Week
The crafts of spinning, weaving, dyeing, and basket weaving are as ancient as our history; they are the threads that bind us to our ancestors and to each other. Our crafts know no national boundary. They are a part of the heritage of the world. The Spinning and Weaving Week celebration reflects the truly international membership of the Handweavers Guild of America, Inc., and the international traditions of our crafts. We invite fiber artists around the world to join together in celebration of our common heritage.
Spinning and Weaving Week is celebrated every October during the first full week of the month (Monday-Sunday)
Celebrate October 4-10, 2021!
Thank you for attending. Save the date for the next celebration: October 3-9, 2022.
Celebrate Spinning & Weaving with HGA
and sponsored by
We're thrilled to offer activities and events for seven days devoted to celebrating spinning and weaving. Our programming will educate, inspire, and support the fiber art community. The registration fee is all inclusive and includes access to all 7-days of programming including Marketplace LIVE, Thread Talks, Studio Tours, Panel Discussions, Fashion Show, Virtual Exhibit Hall, and Networking Opportunities. All sessions will be recorded and available on-demand to registered attendees for 90 days. Not a member? Join Today
$ 0 - HGA Student Members
$25 - HGA Members
$50 - Non-Members
Please continue to check back as we update the schedule. Spinning & Weaving Week is supported by generous contributions to HGA's Fiber Trust and the donation of our presenters' time, energy and expertise. HGA is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN #06-08661organization. In honor of this event, please consider a donation.
Make the most of your experience. Download User Guide
Log In To Spinning & Weaving Week
With our virtual exhibitors you will be able to set appointments and interact via chat or a webcamera. Please be sure to support the fiber art community by supporting these businesses.
Long Thread Media (Virtual) - Event Sponsor
3 Green Sisters (Virtual)
Amanda Baxter - Shiny Dime Fibers Virtual
Tues: 10 AM-1:30 PM
Eugene Textile Center (Virtual)
Tues - Sun: 1-6 PM ET
Handweavers Guild of America, Inc. (Virtual)
Tues - Sun: 12-1 PM ET
Lofty Fiber (Virtual)
Tues-Sun: 10-11 AM & 12-1 PM, Wed 5-6 PM
Mary M. Waite, Weaver and Dyer (Virtual)
Tues-Sun: 10-11 AM & 12-1 PM, Wed 5-6 PM
MidAtlantic Fiber Association (MAFA) (Virtual)
Tues-Fri: 12-1 PM, Sat-Sun: 12-2 PM
Yarn Barn of Kansas (Virtual)
All Virtual Vendors will also take appointments by request.
All scheduled times are Eastern Time Zone (ET).
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Virtual Exhibit Hall: Lofty Fiber
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Virtual Exhibit Hall: Mary M. Waite, Weaver & Dyer
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Thread Talks: Janice Agarwal and Susan Lazear
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Virtual Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Virtual Exhibit Hall: MidAtlantic Fiber Association (MAFA)
1:00 PM – 6:00 PM Virtual Exhibit Hall: Eugene Textile Center/Glimakra
1:30 PM – 2:00 PM Marketplace LIVE: Yarn Barn of Kansas
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM Marketplace LIVE: Mary M. Waite, Weaver and Dyer
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM Marketplace LIVE: Lofty Fiber
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM Panel: Participating in an Open Portfolio Session - Why do a Critique?

All fiber enthusiasts, whether beginner or advanced, are invited to share their inspirational garments, wearable art, accessories for the home, and functional work. Participants are encouraged to model their latest wearable creation or to show their functional designs in this fun and supportive online environment. Participation is free, but limited. The show will begin at 2:00 PM ET on Sunday, October 10, 2021 and will continue until all pieces have been shown.
Take to the worldwide web and share your fiber art idea, project, or experience. We are searching for creative makers who will inspire, surprise and delight the audience with their story in under 15 minutes. We all have stories to tell about our love of and experience with fiber. This is your chance! Public speaking experience is not required.
Spinning & Weaving Week Specials, Sales, and Promotions!
October 4-10, 2021
In celebration of Spinning & Weaving Week, these HGA Professional Members are offering sales, specials and promotions. Click on the member for more information and a link to their website. Professional Members: Register your Promotion
Please Note: Sales policies are unique for each member and may be limited to only purchases made October 4-10, 2021. Please check with each member for details.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Be part of HGA's 7-day celebration. This digital extravaganza showcases the fiber arts with vendor demonstrations and product talks, virtual studio tours, speakers, panels, and a fun fashion show bringing together fiber enthusiasts from across the world while providing opportunities to connect online and in the days following. All events are presented over digitally through Cvent with the ability to host an unlimited number of attendees. The 2020 inaugural event included more than 40 hours of programming over 7 days. We anticipate 2,000 fiber enthusiasts will attend HGA’s Spinning & Weaving Week either in real time or by viewing recordings.
Contributions help extend HGA’s programming to more than 10,000 fiber artists and art enthusiasts through our various programs and sustains our programs at their highest level of artistic and educational excellence.
We understand that the dollars you spend need to bring the maximum benefit to your company. Corporate sponsors are offered exclusive benefits and services based on their level of contribution. Our packages are carefully structured at each level to provide the maximum visibility and the greatest mutual benefit but can be tailored to meet your organization’s philanthropic or marketing objectives. For more information, please call (678) 730-0010 or email HGA@WeaveSpinDye.org. Download Sponsorship Packages
All Spinning & Weaving Week Sponsors will receive the following recognition in addition to the items listed in the packages:
- Name recognition on HGA’s webpage as Sponsor and logo and link to your website
- Logo and name recognition in approximately 4,000 copies of Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot magazine
- E-Blast sent to HGA’s mailing list of more than 10,000 promoting your sponsorship
- Post recognizing your sponsorship on HGA’s Facebook page (8,100+ followers)
- Tweet recognizing your sponsorship from HGA’s Twitter account (1,300 followers)
- Post recognizing your sponsorship on HGA’s Instagram account (3,000 followers)
- Continued publicity after the week is over through recorded viewing of each event on YouTube and Facebook
- Tax-deductible receipt letter for your donation less goods & services received
Advertise your Business in our Virtual Exhibit Hall
Take advantage of the expanded virtual offerings for vendors during this year's Spinning & Weaving Week. We have options to meet vendors varying needs and price points, including discounts for those who hold professional HGA memberships (Join Today). Choose from one of the two following options in our virtual exhibit hall:
- Register Vendor Page ($25 Professional Member/$50 Non-Member): Your business will be listed in our exhibitor list and will include a dedicated vendor information page to advertise your business. Includes your business logo, contact information, links to your website/online shop and social media, a description of your services, and if you wish, a pre-recorded video and a few photos of your products.
- Register Vendor Page + Interactive Exhibit Booth ($150 Professional Member/$175 Non-Member): In addition to all the benefits of a Vendor Page as described above, Interactive Exhibit Booths provide you with the opportunity to interact live and in real time with our attendees in a virtual room (through video format, via chat/messenger, and by appointment). The Virtual Exhibit Hall will be open Monday-Sunday with unopposed hours between Noon and 1 PM ET. You set the hours your virtual room will be open, but we encourage you to be in your booth during these unopposed hours. Virtual Booths also include two (2) 25-Minute Marketplace LIVE sessions to advertise your business. Marketplace LIVE sessions are recorded and available for attendees to view for up to 90 days after the Spinning & Weaving Week celebration.
- Register Marketplace LIVE ($75 Professional Member/$100 Non-Member): In a 25-minute session (or purchase two back-to-back for a 55-minute session), with the use of a webcam share business and your products, answer questions and interact with attendees.
Celebrating... Share the joy of creativity. Plan group activities, contests and competitions to bring spinners and weavers together to enjoy the common interest and the company of fellow artisans. Share the joy of creativity with all those around you.
The timeless crafts of weaving and spinning... When humans began to make tools and develop skills for survival, making garments and useful objects became increasingly important. Each of our cultures have developed techniques and special textiles that have influenced each succeeding generation. When we demonstrate our crafts, we are sharing our creative history.
Honoring craftspeople, past and present... This is a time to honor teachers who have introduced new generations to spinning, weaving, dyeing and basket weaving. Exhibit the work of those you are honoring; recognize their contributions to the crafts. If you are in a guild that does not have a collection of biographies of members, start one so future generations will come to know their legacy; if you have no guild, pass on to those around you your craft history. Teach our children that these are noble skills.
A legacy of fine handmade textiles... Spinners and weavers cherish finely spun yarn, exquisitely dyed and woven cloth and beautifully woven baskets. Not everyone appreciates that quality or the work involved in the process. We will succeed when we teach the non-weaver and the non-spinner to cherish this legacy. Through exhibits and demonstrations, we can give the public the opportunity to learn, understand, and treasure our rich textile heritage.
Join hands with fellow weavers, spinners, dyers and basket weavers around the world, enjoy the pleasure and the opportunity to learn, as well as to teach. Enjoy the thrill of seeing someone spinning or weaving for the first time. Teach them the pleasure of using their hands to create yarn from fiber, to create fabric from yarn, and to make dyes and baskets from the nature around them. Teach them the cultural heritage of all nations!
Download Additional Resources
- Sponsorship Opportunities
- 2021 Spinning and Weaving Week Poster
- Sample Press Releases
- Ideas for Activities