Spinning and Weaving Week
Thread Talks
We're thrilled to offer activities and events for seven days devoted to celebrating spinning and weaving. Our programming will educate, inspire, and support the fiber art community.

Save the Date for S&WW 2025:
October 6-12, 2025
$0 - HGA Student Members
$30 - HGA Members
$55 - Non-Members
Thread Talks
Take to the worldwide web and share your fiber art idea, project, or experience. We are searching for creative makers who will inspire, surprise and delight the audience with their story in under 15 minutes. We all have stories to tell about our love of and experience with fiber. This is your chance! Public speaking experience is not required.
All sessions will be pre-recorded and available on-demand to registered attendees for 90 days. Not a member? Join Today
Speakers, titles, dates, and times subject to change.
FREE - To Give a Thread Talk
Deadline: We will accept submission until schedule is full
Notification of Selection: By May 1, 2025
2025 Thread Talks Schedule Coming Soon
2024 Thread Talks Schedule
All scheduled times are Eastern Time Zone (ET).
3:00 PM ET:
Margery Erickson: A Tour of Motifs through Overshot and Summer and Winter
Amy Ross Manko: Working With Rare Breeds of Wool
Dawne Hoeg: Stitch Buffalo: Stitching Communities Together Through the Textile Arts
Please continue to check back as we update the schedule. Spinning & Weaving Week is supported by generous contributions to HGA's Fiber Trust and the donation of our presenters' time, energy and expertise. HGA is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN #06-08661organization. In honor of this event, please consider a donation.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Be part of HGA's 7-day celebration. This digital extravaganza showcases the fiber arts with vendor demonstrations and product talks, virtual studio tours, speakers, panels, and a fun fashion show bringing together fiber enthusiasts from across the world while providing opportunities to connect online and in the days following. All events are presented over digitally through Cvent with the ability to host an unlimited number of attendees. The 2020 inaugural event included more than 40 hours of programming over 7 days. We anticipate 650 fiber enthusiasts will attend HGA’s Spinning & Weaving Week either in real time or by viewing recordings.
Contributions help extend HGA’s programming to more than 10,000 fiber artists and art enthusiasts through our various programs and sustains our programs at their highest level of artistic and educational excellence.
We understand that the dollars you spend need to bring the maximum benefit to your company. Corporate sponsors are offered exclusive benefits and services based on their level of contribution. Our packages are carefully structured at each level to provide the maximum visibility and the greatest mutual benefit but can be tailored to meet your organization’s philanthropic or marketing objectives. For more information, please call (678) 730-0010 or email HGA@WeaveSpinDye.org.
All Spinning & Weaving Week Sponsors will receive the following recognition in addition to the items listed in the packages:
- Name recognition on HGA’s webpage as Sponsor and logo and link to your website
- Logo and name recognition in approximately *8,000 copies of Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot magazine
- E-Blast sent to HGA’s mailing list of more than 11,000 promoting your sponsorship
- Post recognizing your sponsorship on HGA’s Facebook page (11,000+ followers)
- Post recognizing your sponsorship on HGA’s Instagram account (5,700+ followers)
- Continued publicity for 90 days after the week is over through recorded viewing of each event